Hitchiner Manufacturing

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Advanced Manufacturing Is Driving Growth and New Jobs

Advanced Manufacturing And Job Growth

Increasing manufacturing jobs has been a topic of much discussion lately, and studies now show that advanced manufacturing is leading the way. Advanced manufacturing is the use of innovative technology to improve products or processes. The most common applications of advanced manufacturing include automation, computer technology, and information technology. Here in New Hampshire, many companies have been using advanced manufacturing techniques, including Hitchiner Manufacturing, for many years as a way to become more efficient, cut costs and compete in the global marketplace.

A survey by the National Center for the Middle Market and the National Association of Manufacturers shows that nearly half of the respondents, about 47%, use advanced manufacturing techniques. The result, these manufacturers reported, was a 20% increase in profitability over the past five years. The authors of the survey said the numbers are likely even higher because some companies may be using advanced manufacturing techniques but do not know they are.

Of those who said they have not yet implemented advanced manufacturing techniques, 78% indicated they planned to in the next three to five years. While advanced manufacturing requires investment, in the end, it just makes good business sense. Companies that have adopted advanced manufacturing techniques show much higher profitability.

Advanced Manufacturing Driving Job Growth

A familiar concern policymakers have when it comes to the future of manufacturing is how automation and other advanced manufacturing techniques will impact job growth. Some worry it will mean fewer workers, but there is strong evidence that the opposite is occurring. 

According to the above-mentioned survey, companies who use advanced manufacturing techniques have seen an increase in employment of more than 4% annually. Advanced manufacturing can bring increased efficiency, which in turn increases profit, leaving more capital available to invest in expansion and more workers. It allows companies to grow, find new markets, sell more products, and hire new employees and increase wages.

A Need for Skilled Workers

Using new and improved technologies, techniques, and machinery requires workers with new and enhanced skills such as problem-solving, innovative thinking, and analytical skills. Workers now need to be well-rounded in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to effectively do their jobs.

This new kind of job is why 95% of companies using advanced manufacturing techniques say these innovations changed how they hire and train workers. Today, 81% of manufacturers report that the demand for skilled manufacturing is much higher than in the past. This has posed challenges, however. No longer are manufacturing jobs a place where large numbers of unskilled workers can find a job. Advanced manufacturing requires training, but making sure people are getting that training has been a challenge. Hitchiner Manufacturing is rising to this challenge and is a leader in New Hampshire for on the job training leading to career advancement.

Across the United States, about 600,000 manufacturing jobs are vacant, mainly because employers can't find enough workers with the skills required. Most companies say there is a skills deficiency across the board, especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math, often referred to as STEM. Here in New Hampshire, we are in the midst of a labor shortage, and finding skilled workers is a frequent topic of conversation for the state's manufacturing industry.

Efforts to improve STEM education and increase access to training are happening at many companies today, including at Hitchiner where we have invested in many internship and training programs, as well as workforce development. By working with local schools, colleges, and other organizations, we've found ways to bring hardworking people interested in a good, long-term job into programs that will give them the skills they need for a career in advanced manufacturing.

Hitchiner Manufacturing Career Opportunities

Full-time careers are available now in New Hampshire and here at Hitchiner, we are proud to invest in your success by providing tuition assistance. Hitchiner is a leader in workforce development, placing a high value on education and training. Learn about new jobs by clicking on the button bellow.